Which PHP Framework is best?

October 31, 2014


I get asked a lot: which is the best PHP framework? Or, should I choose PHP framework A or should I should PHP framework B?

The short answer: it depends! See below for the deeper answer.

When considering a framework, besides checking out what the uber-nerds are talking about at the time, consider the current cutting-edge thinking about frameworks in general, and be sure your choice of a framework, is up-to-date in that regard.

The no-framework PHP framework

For example, the move these days, is towards the ‘no-framework framework’ style of framework – that’s a tongue-twister! Basically, the more advanced a framework is, the more open it is.

You should be able to drop in components as you need then from any source. So for instance, if you don’t like the ORM layer in a framework you happen to be using, you should be able to easily plugin some other ORM.

At the end of the day, learning one framework or another should not be considered the end of the path – you should expect to have to learn a new framework from time to time … as things mature. The good news is that once you’ve learned your first MVC framework, the rest will come pretty easily since they are all based on the same basic concepts and patterns.

So, choose whichever framework you feel like!

Stefan Mischook


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