Top 10 Web Programming Teaching Tips!

April 24, 2014
Posted in Learning PHP

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This blog post is for teachers teaching web programming and design … but if you are learning PHP (or any other language) many of these tips will be helpful to you too.

Let’s start with a teaser:

1. Start with an Easy Language:

Don’t use hard to understand languages like Java, C#, C++ to teach beginners programming! Stick to simpler languages like PHP, Ruby, Python or JavaScript. Once your students have a grasp of basic programming concepts, then you can move into the more complex languages … if you need to!

2. Don’t teach A to Z:

Teaching people to code has a lot more to do about leaving out the non essentially elements of a language. Don’t cover every nuanced aspect of the HTML link tag, don’t cover all the ways a method can be created in PHP … leave out the less often used aspects of a language and save it for later. Just expose your students to the key aspects of the language, just enough so they can move forward.

If you want the other 8 tips, follow this link.


Stefan Mischook


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