Learning PHP: going beyond the basics

June 3, 2012

Learn PHP by Building Web Applications

Once you have an understanding of basic PHP concepts, the best way to develop your skills further, is to actually start building PHP applications – things that actually do something!

Fortunately, the Web has matured much in the last decade, and we now know what types of applications people are typically looking for – things like:

– shopping carts.
– log-in systems.
– content management systems.

With that in mind, we’ve put together a package that teaches you how to build these things, while teaching you more advanced PHP.

What’s really cool, is that once you’ve completed the project courses, not only will you have learned a lot about creating REAL PHP applications, you will have these applications that you can then use in your own projects, or your client’s projects. Check it out:

PHP Projects – Learn PHP by Building PHP Applications


Stefan Mischook


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